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Exciting Career Paths for Engineers

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Career Program Spotlight

Engineering is a challenging but rewarding career. 在bwin体育,学生们配备了工具和知识,为他们的职业生涯做最好的准备. 提供给他们的工具之一是帮助他们利用他们的学位找到工作. Finding which area to specialize in can be tricky, but hopefully, the options below give ideas that fit your interests.


IT Consultant - IT顾问评估公司的IT基础设施和系统,并根据需要进行更改. They diagnose IT issues and create timelines for projects. 他们还可以生成技术解决方案来满足组织的IT需求. 此外,他们可能偶尔协助一些小的维修和维护.

Civil EngineerCivil engineers design, build, construct, and maintain public and private systems, such as airports, roads, bridges, and water supply systems. 他们通过评估一个项目是否可持续以及它可能如何影响环境来改善环境.  

Mechanical Engineer- Mechanical engineers assess thermal and mechanical devices, troubleshoot issues with these devices, and build and repair these devices. They conduct experiments to improve product designs. 此外,这些工程师与项目经理和其他工程师团队合作.

Electrical Engineer - Electrical engineers design, advance, and apply electrical equipment and devices, such as motors, power generators, and communication systems. 他们还可以管理这些系统和设备的制造,以确保维持质量标准. 其他职责包括操作计算机辅助工程软件,制定制造和安装标准.

Chemical Engineer - Chemical Engineers design, advance, and diagnose processes in the production of fuel, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and biologicals. 他们经常在制造工厂工作,以协助确保产品质量. 这些专家还帮助开发和实施化学制造工艺.

Environmental Engineer - Environmental engineers develop, assess, and refine environmental investigation reports. 他们创建和执行支持环境保护和设计技术的项目,以帮助废物管理和污染控制. 这项工作还研究人类对环境的影响,并根据他们的发现为立法者编写报告.

Biomedical Engineer - Biomedical engineers create biomedical devices and equipment, such as medical machinery, artificial limbs, and internal organs. 他们在生物学和医学领域寻找解决问题的方法,同时努力提高病人护理的效率和质量. 其他任务包括评估生物医学设备的安全性和有效性,以及培训临床医生如何使用这些设备.

Software Engineer 软件工程师开发并实施软件系统和测试方法. 他们进行软件编程项目,并检查数据以安排安装新的软件系统. 这些工程师还调查软件系统的有用性,并测试新软件以确定其效率.

Senior Systems Engineer 高级系统工程师负责维护各系统的效率. They put in place complex systems and networks. 分析、实现和故障排除是关键职责.

Engineering Manager -工程经理的职责包括确保满足项目要求, managing budgets, and overseeing a team of engineers. This role also prepares reports based on a project's progress.


总的来说,工程工作提供了广泛的成功和挑战. No matter what type of engineering interests you, there is sure to be a path that suits your skills and interests. While the work can be demanding, 看到你的创作和项目变成现实也是一件令人难以置信的事情.

Elia Glenn '27

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Oct 3, 2023

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